Allied Health Sciences


    Note : Please apply online by clicking Apply online button after that please register yourself before submitting the information. After that login yourself and then apply for the targeted programme.



    Doctor of Physical Therapy

    Bs Speech Pathology

    Bs Clinical Psychology

    Bs Medical LAB Technology

    Bs Optometry Technology

    Bs Dental Technology

    Bs Aesthetics & Cosmetology

    Bs Medical Entomology & Disease Vector Control

    Bs Health Physical Education & Sport Sciences

    Bs Cardiac Perfusion

    Bs Operation Theater Technology

    Bs Respiratory Therapy

    Bs Renal Dialysis Technology

    Bs Anesthesia Technology

    Bs Human Nutrition & Dietetics

    Ms Health Physical Education & Sport Sciences

    Bs Environmental Health Climate Change & Sustainable Development

    Post Graduate Diplomas & Certificates

    Bio-Statistics and Epidemiology

    Food Sciences and Technology

    Environmental Health Sciences and Managment