MOUs with Provincial Health Departments of Baluchistan, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab, AJK and Sindh
Technical support for health strategies implementation.
Capacity building in health with a focus on MDGs.
Co-sponsoring an annual policy implementation review conference .
National Institute of Population Studies
National Program for FP& Primary Health Care
Maternal Neonatal Child Health Program
National Level With NGO Sector
World Health Organization to provide backstopping on the implementation of the CCF process to countries in the region.
World Health Organization to coordinate call for proposals for implementation research to scale up maternal and child health.
Marie Stopes Society for holding advocacy seminars in the field of Family Planning and Reproductive Health.
David & Lucile Packard Foundation for capacity building of provincial government stakeholders for Health Systems Strengthening.
Population Council for Geographical Information System (GIS) for the development Field
Demonstration Area at Mandra.
Health Net TPO for GFATM round 10, Health System Strengthening.
Human Development Research Foundation for Field Demonstration Area.
People’s Primary Healthcare Initiative for capacity building of district support managers.
International Level
Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior , Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, USA to develop faculty and student exchange, and joint research on health promotion and communication.
White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood-USA for advocacy on policy continuity and implementation.
Queen Margaret University-Edinburgh-UK to deliver an integrated post graduate certificate course on
HRH (Human Resources in Health) with case material relevant to Pakistan and the regions.
University of Liverpool-UK for establishing a Centre of excellence for MNCH.