• maryamashraf@hotmail.com
  • +92-51-9522290-4 | +92 3082223444
  • Ground Floor ORIC Office

Dr. Mariam Ashraf

Associate Professor / Manager ORIC


 Extensive experience in teaching Bachelors and Masters students in Public health.  Expert in Applied Epidemiology, Applied Biostatistics, Health Planning, Communicable and non-communicable diseases, Health systems strengthening, Reproductive health, foundations of Public Health, Research Methodology etc.  Expertise in planning and implementing research projects in health, nutrition, and food security sector evaluations.  Co-supervised PhD students and have been appointed as examiner in IRB for PhD


  1. PhD Community Health

       National University of Malaysia (UKM)| [Sept 2015- 2021]    

       Research Area: Health systems strengthening   

       Subjects studied: Advanced Epidemiology, advanced Biostatistics, Monitoring and evaluation, Qualitative research methods

       Research Dissertation

Understanding Factors Affecting Scaling-up a Pilot Project of Postpartum Family Planning Uptake among Women in Pakistan. Mix-method research

  1. Master of Science in Public Health [MSPH]

Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan [2009- 2010]

       Major: Public Health

       Minors: Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Management, Mother and Child Health, Health Promotion.

Research Dissertation

Assessment of women’s satisfaction with the quality of maternity services provided in MCH, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad


  1. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery [MBBS]

Hamdard University, Karachi. [1999-2004]    


Health Services Academy

Associate Professor/ Manager ORIC                                                         [June 2024– Current]

  • Teaching Public Health courses to Bachelors and Masters level students
  • Writing proposals and applying for grants
  • Guiding PhD and MSPH students for research projects.

PRIME Consulting                                                                                     [April 2023 – May 2024]

Public Health and Nutrition Expert

  • Development and submission of research proposals
  • Lead various projects with different development partners
  • Involved in the development of tools, sampling, and planning for the implementation of the project
  • Data analysis (Quant and Qual) followed by report writing


Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan                                                 [Feb 2023 – Feb 2024]

Adjunct Faculty

  • Teaching courses to students of Bachelor’s in Public Health
  • Taught courses Health Planning, Fundamental Principles of infectious diseases, and Reproductive health


Integrity Global, Islamabad, Pakistan                                                 [Oct 2022 – March 2023]

MERL Expert (DAFPAK an FCDO funded project)

  • Conducted research on the impact of floods in 2022 across Pakistan.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of partners
  • Development of a brief based on the data shared by the implementing partners


Population Council, Islamabad, Pakistan                                              [Oct 2021 – Oct 2022]

Programme Manager

  • Led the research pertinent to health services specifically for women across Pakistan
  • Development of concept note followed by a proposal and IRB protocol
  • Involved in the development of tools, sampling, and planning for the implementation of the project


Food Fortification Programme (UK Aid), Mott MacDonald               [Nov 2018 – Jan 2021]

Research Manager

  • Supervised and coordinated the planning and implementation of research projects.
  • Formulated with report research results/analysis in the form of briefs, reports, and publications.
  • Facilitated a plan and implemented dissemination activities to inform evidence into policymaking.
  • Moderated to identify potential areas of research for the sustainability of program activities.
  • Influenced to be part of the technical advisory committee to review research proposals.
  • Developed and presented two posters at the Micronutrient Forum Conference 2020

John Hopkins Affiliate (Jhpiego) – Pakistan                                          [Mar 2018 – Aug 2018]

Program Manager

  • Coordinated and implemented various activities under USAID Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) grant implemented across the three Provinces.
  • Monitoring of health facilities across Punjab to assess Family Planning compliance with data analysis and report writing.
  • Supportive supervision of health providers in the selected facilities


Directorate of Malaria Control                                                               [Jan 2017 – Feb 2018]

Research Coordinator

  • Facilitated with detailed review and analysis of malaria surveillance data from facilities across Pakistan, a compilation of this information in the form of quarterly surveillance reports disseminated through Malaria Quarterly Bulletins.
  • Formulated with a Gap analysis of Malaria interventions in different districts and action planning in the Sub-Recipients (SRs) review meetings at the federal level.
  • Developed a detailed Annual report for 2016 based on which later annual reports were generated

Technical Resource Facility                                                                        [Jun 2014 – Aug 2015]

Public Health Specialist

  • Data analysis of primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare facilities across 13 districts of Punjab
  • Writing reports of Health Facilities Assessment carried out across Punjab province by Technical Resource Facility (an HLSP and DFAT funded project)
  • Prepared technical and policy briefs as part of end project dissemination based on various technical assistance led by TRF across Pakistan from 2009 to 2014.


Mercy Corps Pakistan                                                                                 [Dec 2013 – Jun 2014]

Project Officer

  • Involved in report writing and liaising with various stakeholders of the project including the public and private partners for saving mothers and newborns in communities under USAID grant.
  • Led the data collection, analysis and report writing of the qualitative component of formative research for the development of BCC strategy.
  • Developed work plans and activity budget for BCC component and lead the development of high-quality progress reports
  • Supported the development of mass communication materials: promotional material, flip charts and Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) messages as part of the mHealth component
  • Trainings of CMWs in BCC components and materials specifically for maternal and child health

Health Services Academy                                                                            [Oct 2012 – Oct 2013]

Research Associate/Lecturer

  • Involved in proposal writing and implementation.
  • Supervised students for their master’s thesis and the development of proposals.
  • Data collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative research. Report writing of the assigned sections.
  • Prepared qualitative assessment tools including questionnaires and field guides for research under the department
  • Tutoring students as a co-supervisor for Master’s thesis in small groups

Mustashaar – Social Development Advisors                                        [Jun 2010 – Sep 2012]

Programme Manager

Mobile Service Unit – Population Welfare Department                  [Jan 2007 – Jan 2008]

Medical officer


Independent Research Assignment

        1. Public Health Specialist for assessing providing vitamin A supplements to children under 5 in post NIDs scenario. A qualitative research study involving all the provinces and areas (Dec 2023-May 2024)
        2. Public Health Specialist for developing Anaemia prevention and management guidelines in coordination with MoNHSRC with the support of Nutrition International under Prime Consulting (Dec2023-March 2024)
        3. Gender and Human Rights Analysis Coordinator — IGNIT3 for Pakistan under Nutrition International. Data collevtion from Sindh and KP (Dec 2023 – 15 Feb 2024)
        4. Master trainer for training health care providers on Multiple Micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy in District Swabi (Oct 2023)- Under Nutrition International
        5. Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant for End term review of Programme for Improved Nutrition in Sindh (PINS) project supported by EU. (March 8-July 15th, 2023)
        6. Development of case studies of Nutrition International grant for End project review of the project titled COVID-19- A nutrition response for pregnant women and children. Working in the capacity of Public Health specialist. Also participated in conceptualizing the proposal and won it on behalf of Prime Consultants. (March 2023)
        7. Principal Investigator (Prime Consultants) for the project third-party evaluation for i-Check connect Beta testing for Digitizing Pakistan’s Vitamin A Oil Program to Drive Sustainability. Qualitative research (June 2022- Oct 2022), including in-depth interviews with the stakeholder’s millers and government partners. Under the supervision of the Team lead, conducted data collection, analysis and report writing followed by the development of a technical brief and paper for publication.
        8. Consultant for Nutrition International (NI) assessing scale-up and utilisation of iCheck Croma 3 device for assessing vitamin A fortification in edible oil. Qualitative research (September 2021- January 2022) followed by writing a report, brief and paper for publication
        9. Worked as a consultant for a short-term assignment (April 14- June 10, 2021) for IPAS Pakistan. Conducted data analysis of a two-year project implemented by IPAS. The data was converted into a manuscript for publication in an impact factor journal.
        10. Worked as Team Leader for conducting Qualitative Study to Identify Reasons for Significantly Declining Breast-Feeding Rates in the Province – of Punjab supported by UNICEF from Jan 2017- Jan 2018
        11. Worked as a team member (Data Analyst) for Grapevine consultants for the project Dissemination of the TA funded by the Technical Resource Facility (TRF). Involved in the development of technical and policy briefs of the assignments carried out by TRF
        12. Under MNCH department Health Services Academy, worked as a quantitative researcher for the project “Nutritional assessment of people 50 years and above in the three districts Rahimyar Khan, Jacobabad and Shikarpur” from January – May 2013 funded by HelpAge international.
        13. Developed a trainers’ manual for MOs on the Management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia at the primary care level under the MNCH department.
        14. Under Mustashaar Social Development Advisors worked as an RH/FP experts for the Training of the trainers on Communication Skills and counselling skills on reproductive health and Family Planning a five-day workshop for the Marie Stopes Society. Initiated the process by writing a concept note followed by putting up a proposal for the ToT. Later, was responsible for providing technical inputs for conducting the toot and developing the training manual.
        15. Worked as a Principal investigator for 4 months (Oct 2011 to Jan 2012) Project of NRSP funded by David and Lucile Packard. “End Project Evaluation in the Districts of Rahim Yar Khan & Rajanpur” of “Positioning of Family Planning as Health Intervention” Evaluation was based on quantitative & qualitative techniques. Carried out In-depth, Key Informant interviews, Focus Group Discussions and Observations of health facilities. Evaluation of the project was based on DAC evaluation criteria assessing output, effect, and perceptions of different stakeholders regarding project achievements followed by lessons learnt and recommendations for the 2nd phase of the project.
        16. Worked as a Quantitative Research Associate for the project “Reduction of low birth weight and maternal anemia in Umerkot and Tharparker” dated from November 2011-October 2014 funded by UNICEF. Participated in Proposal writing under Mustashaar and after its acceptance involved in assisting team leader with the development of tools and compiling of relevant literature, data analysis and report writing.
        17. Worked as a Qualitative Research Associate for a four-month project April 2011-July 2011 “Assess coverage of routine EPI & polio eradication efforts & implementation gaps at district level”, funded by PLAN Pakistan. The assessment was based on both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Carried out training of surveyors for household data collection. Monitoring and supervising the data collection process. Carried out IDIs, FGDs, and observations of the Health teams during National Immunization Days. Data analysis and report writing of the assigned sections.

PhD. Research Thesis

  • Research on “Understanding Factors Affecting Scaling-up a Pilot Project of Postpartum Family Planning Uptake among Women In Pakistan”. Mixed-method research
  • Oral/paper presentation at 10th International Public Health Conference, Health Services Academy, Islamabad

Master’s Thesis

  • Dissertation on “Assessment of Women Satisfaction on the Quality of Maternity Services Provided Tertiary Care Facility, Islamabad” carried out from April-June 2010
  • Paper presentation in MNCH conference held at HSA, Dec 2010
  • Accepted for poster presentation at an international conference for medical education (ICME) being held in Abu-Dhabi in December 2010


    1. Ashraf M, Ashraf F, Rehman A, Khan R. Assessment of women satisfaction level with maternity services; Evidence from Pakistan. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health 2012; 4: 11
    2. D, Masud N, Ashraf M. Are school children ready to donate blood; Journal of Ayub Medical college Abbottabad Pakistan 2014; 26:1.
    3. Tabassum T, Ashraf M, Thaver I. Original Article Hospitalized patients’ awareness of their rights- a cross-sectional survey in public and private tertiary care hospitals of Punjab; Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad Pakistan 2016; 28(3):582–6.
    4. Thaver I, Ashraf M. Rise and stalling of public health in Pakistan. J Pak Med Association 2017; 651.
    5. Mushtaq, K., Ashraf M, & Thaver, I. H. (2020). Who are the women wishing to opt for contraception? JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 70(12B), 2460–2463. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.770
    6. Thaver I, Ahmad AM, Ashraf M, Asghar SK, Mirza MS. Effect of multi-pronged interventions in reducing low birth weight and maternal anaemia among pregnant women. A community-based interventions research in non-agrarian resource constrained setting of rural Pakistan. J Pak Med Assoc. 2020 Dec;70(12(A)):2092-2101. doi: 10.47391/JPMA.1218. PMID: 33475578.
    7. Ashraf M, Ismail A, Badilla II, Thaver I. Factors affecting successful scale-up of health-related pilot projects. J Pak Med Assoc. 2021;71(2):1–17.
    8. Ismail A, Ashraf M, Idris IB, Thaver I, Ahmad AM, Siddiqui SJ. Readiness assessment of health facilities for providing postpartum family planning services after project-based scale-up activities ended – A study from Pakistan. Rawal Med J. 2021;46(4):982-986
    9. Ismail A, Ashraf M, Badilla Idris I, Thaver I, Maqbool Ahmad A, Jamal Siddique S. Identifying Factors Associated with the Use of a Scaled-Up Postpartum Family Planning Project Implemented in Punjab, Pakistan. Malaysian J Public Heal Med. 2021;21(2):466–74.
    10. Ghani S, Thaver I, Mehboob M, Rafique K, Ashraf M. Prevalence and predictors of respiratory symptoms in Karachi, Pakistan. Rawal Med J. 2022;47(4):868–71.
    11. Thaver I, Ashraf M. Period Poverty: An added poverty in humanitarian crisis. J Pak Med Assoc. 2023;73(9):1926–7.
    12. Ashraf M, Shahzad S, Sequeria P, Bashir A, Azmat SK. Understanding Challenges Women Face in Flood-Affected Areas to Access Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: A Rapid Assessment from a Disaster-Torn Pakistan. Souza RT, editor. Biomed Res Int [Internet]. 2024;2024:1113634. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/1113634


    1. BMC Human Resources for Health
    2. Saudi Medical Journal
    3. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association
    4. Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association
    5. Abstract reviewer for an international conference on Family planning (ICFP) 2022


    • English – speak fluently and read/write with good proficiency
    • Urdu – national language speak/read and write with good proficiency

    References: To be provided on request