• junaidsarfraz@hsa.edu.pk / junaidsarfraz@hotmail.com
  • 0092 3224430217
  • +92-51-9255591
  • National Prime Minsiter's Health Complex, Health Services Academy Chakshahzad , Islamabad

Prof. Dr. Junaid Sarfaraz

PhD Medical Education (Medical Professionalism) University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK , PhD Medical Education (Assessment& Evaluation) University of Health Sciences, Lahore ,Masters in Education Leadership & Management ,FRCS, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK , FCPS College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan ,MBBS

Director Academics, Health Services Academy

Work Experience


06-07-2024 – till date



12-12-2022 –


Director Academics & Course lead

    Health Services Academy, Islamabad ,  Pakistan



Dean/ Chief Executive Officer/Professor of Surgery

Lady Reading Hospital – Medical Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan



29-04-2018 – 09-12-2022

Dean, School of Health Professions’ Education & Postgraduate Studies Combined Military Hospital Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry Lahore Cantt., Lahore, Pakistan

05.10.2017 –


Professor of Medical Education


University of Health Sciences,


Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore,54600


16.02.2017 –



Concurrent with Professor of Medical Education


Acting Vice Chancellor


University of Health Sciences,


Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore,54600


26.12.2016 –



Professor of Medical Education


University of Health Sciences,


Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore,54600

26.12.2013 –


Concurrent with Professor of Medical Education

Pro Vice Chancellor

University of Health Sciences,

Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore,54600


25.10.11 to 24.12.13 Concurrent with Professor of Medical Education

Controller of Examinations




12.01.2007 – 24.10.2011

University of Health Sciences,

Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore,54600


Concurrent with Assistant Professor of Medical Education Controller of Examinations

University of Health Sciences,

Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore,54600

(15.11.2006 –





(36 months, 05.08.03 – 28.08.06)

Assistant Professor of Medical Education

University of Health Sciences,

Khayaban-e-Jamia Punjab, Lahore,54600


General and Breast Surgeon

General, Breast, Vascular and Endocrine Surgery. Various NHS Trusts, UK

(12 months, 29.07.02 –


Senior House Officer

General Surgery, Orthopaedics & Trauma Various NHS Trusts, UK

( 2 months, 21.02.02 –


Senior House Officer

General Surgery

Services Hospital, Lahore.

37 months

(12.01.99 –


Senior House Officer

General Surgery, Accident& Emergency,

Orthopaedics, Urology & Transplant Surgery, Paediatric Surgery and Thoracic Surgery, Services& Jinnah Hospital, Surgical Unit III,


16 months,

(16.09.97 –








Pre-Registration House Officer General Medicine& General Surgery Medical Unit IV& Surgical Unit III Jinnah Hospital, Lahore.


  • PhD











Postdoctoral Health Profession Education 1st January 2023 till date University College London, London UK


PhD Medical Education (Medical Professionalism) University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

Khan, J. S. (2020). Understanding the stakeholders’ perspectives on professionalism in healthcare: a cross-cultural analysis (Doctoral dissertation, University of Liverpool).


PhD Medical Education (Assessment& Evaluation) University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan

Khan, J, S. (2012). The relationship of awards of various components of MBBS final professional examination and the effectiveness of each in the evaluation process (Doctoral dissertation, UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES LAHORE– PAKISTAN).


2009                                                 Master in Education 1st Division, 2009 Educational Leadership & Management

University of Management& Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.


2006                                                 PGD Medical Education

University of Dundee, Dundee, UK


2002                                                 FRCS

September 2002

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK


2002                                                 FCPS (General Surgery)

March 2002

College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan


1997                                                 MBBS

September 1997

Allama Iqbal Medical College, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


1997 BSc.1st Division Nov-Dec 1997 University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


1991                                                Higher Secondary School Certificate

1st Division 1991, Government College, Lahore.

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore, Pakistan


1989                                                 School Certificate

1st Division.

Grade Aggregate 9, 1989.


St. Anthony’s     High School, Lahore, Pakistan University of Cambridge (U.K.)







Spoken interaction

Spoken production


C1/2                  C1/2

C1/2                 C1/2






Mother tongue(s) Urdu OTHER LANGUAGE(S) English

Communication skills Excellent communication skills gained throughout my management as well as academic experience




Organizational/ Managerial           • Policy Formulation and Executive Leadership skills

  • Assessment and Evaluation


  • Operational Management


  • Experience in strategic and institutional planning and one or more of the following: human resources management, facilities management, auxiliary services, telecommunications and/orin formation
  • Oversees the development and management of the University’s operating and capital improvements budget, capital construction, auxiliary enterprises (food service and bookstores) and campus


Job-related skills

Progressing the academic interest of the University including developing of new programs, audit of existing programs, teaching and learning, assessment and evaluation k, audit of all rea of education cycle and result analyses




Developing industrial linkages with the healthcare delivery industry nationally and internationally and furthering the university interest by

networking with academic and business organizations across the world


Development of a research culture in the university


Academic , administrative and research policy making


Overseeing and enhancing learning experiences of the students across the university


Setting academic of the activities of department of medical education and department of examinations


Ensuing quality in all academic programs of the university based on best evidence practices available


Presiding over the meeting of the authorities


Establishing and developing the association of alumni of UHS as its president


Computer skills


good command of Microsoft Office tools



Driving license




  1. Kamran, , Tufail, S., Ahmed, A., Khalid, S., Shafique, A., & Khan, J. S. (2023). A Trip Down Memory Lane: Exploring the Use of a Learning Tool in Undergraduate Medical Education. Life and Science, 4(2), 6-6.
  1. Azhar, T., Sarfraz, J., & Nasreen, (2023, April). Qualities of PBL Leader: The Students’ Perspective. In Proceedings (Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 23-28).
  2. Zafar Raja, H., Kamran, R., Farid, M., Saleem, M. N., Mumtaz, M., Tufail, S., & Sarfaraz Khan, J. (2023). Analyzing communication skills of Dentistry Post Graduate Residents with Geriatric Patients in Clinical Encounter by using Video Journal of Applied Social Science, 17(2), 241-253.
  3. Javed, , Saria Khalid, S. A., Asim, A., Chohan, A. N., Afzal, M., & Khan, J. S. (2022). Perception of Dental House Officers Regarding the Management of Medical Emergencies in CMH Lahore Medical College & IOD. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(11), 596-596.
  4. Tufail S, Mustafa N, Kamran R, Khan JS. The blame game-experiences of female residents in obstetrics & gynecology regarding lapses in patient safety. Pakistan J. Medical Health Sci. 2022 Aug 6;38(7).
  5. Khan, U., Nadeem, A., Muallah, N. N., Rao, M, & Sarfraz, J. (2022). Challenges Faced by Working Mothers and Housewives during Online Education of their Children. Pakistan J. Medical Health Sci. 16(06), 201-201.
  2. Asghar, M. Z., Arif, S., Hakkarainen, P. S., & Khan, J. S. (2021). Effect of Social Media Usage on Research Competences and Completion during COVID-19: Case of Pre-Service Health Sciences
  3. Ali, A. M. K., Shaikh, G. M., Yasmin, R., Khan, J. S., Javed, H., Khan, R., … & Shaikh, H. J. Leadership Styles and Personality Traits of Health Professions Educators: A Scoping Review.
  4. Junaid, A., Rafi, M. S., Khan, N. U. S., & Khan, J. S. (2020). POWER SHARING IN MEDICAL Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 70(6), 1756-64.
  5. Gondal, K. M., Khan, J. S., & Ahmed, A. (2020). Supervisor’s Feedback on Progress of E-Logbook System of CPSP: A Cross-sectional Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 30(2), 139-143.
  6. Meher-un-Nisa, S. K. (2020). Validation of Urdu Translation of DREEM Inventory in a Medical College of Lahore. Biomedica, 36(1), 65-69.
  1. Ghafoor, , Chaudhry, S., & Khan, J. S. (2020). Marital Status as a Stress Indicator in Postgraduate Dental Students. JPMA, 2019.
  2. Junaid A, Rafi MS, Khan (2019). A Narrative Inquiry of Nurse-Patient Communication. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 69(1), 123-29.
  3. Ghafoor, (2019). Outcome-based Dental Education and Identification of Practice Gaps; A Narrative Review. JPDA, 28(01), 42.
  4. Zaheer, , & Khan, J. (2018). Student’s failure in post-graduation; student’s perspective. Biomedica, 34(2), 119.
  5. Gondal, M., Iqbal, U., Ahmed, A., & Khan, J. S. (2017). Supervisors’ perspective on electronic logbook system for postgraduate medical residents of CPSP. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak, 27(9), 540- 3.
  1. Tahir, , Bashir, A., Rafique, A., & Khan, J. S. (2017). The barriers which prevent female dentists from pursuing their career in Pakistani culture. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 37(3), 477-482.
  2. Tahir, , Bashir, A., Rafique, A., & Khan, J. (2017). Factors that support female dentists in pursuing their profession in Pakistan. Biomedica, 33(2), 108.
  1. Khan JS, Usmani S, Bano (2016). Project Professionalism Punjab. The Collaborator, 2(1&2), 7- 9.
  2. Khan, S. (2016). OSPE–As an assessment tool! Teachers and students perspectives. Biomedica, 32(4).
  3. Khan, S. (2016). Impact of OSPE on students’ approach to learning! A qualitative study. Biomedica, 32(3).
  1. Khan, S., Mukhtar, O., & Tabasum, S. (2016). Behavioural sciences at university of health sciences: the way forward. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 28(1), 157-160.
  2. Gondal, M., Khan, J. S., & Ahmed, A. (2015). MEASURING PROFESSIONALISM IN RESIDENCY PROGRAM. Biomedica, 31(3).
  3. Butt, H., & Khan, J. S. (2015). Medical professionalism–validity of Arabian “lamps” in the context of medical education in Pakistan. Biomedica, 31(1).
  4. Javed, , Khan J.S. (2015). Impact of students’ Reflection on Skill Based Learning in Clinical based Learning in Clinical training. The Collaborator,1(1),32-36.
  5. Nisa, M. & Khan, J.S. (2015). Meta-analysis of Articles addressing validation of DREEM inventory in languages other than The Collaborator, 1 (1), 37-45.
  6. Mustafa N, Tufail S., Mushtaq A.U.A., Khan, J.S. (2015). Impact of Peer Assessment on Self – Directed Learning in Undergraduate Medical Students Literature Review. The Collaborator,1(3),17 – 21
  7. Malik K., Khan, Khan, J S. (2015). Leaning Styles at Different Levels of Medical Education. The Collaborator,1(2),15-23
  1. Butt NH, Khan, (2015). Medical Professionalism – Validity of Arabian “LAMPS” in the context of Medical Education in Pakistan. Biomedica, 31(1).
  2. Khan JS, Mukhtar O, Tabasum S. (2014). Predictive validity of medical and dental colleges’ entrance test in Punjab: The way J Pak Med Assoc,64 (10),1132-1137
  3. Dar SB, Khan HS, Hasnain M , Khan (2014).Family Medicine: A Missing Link in Healthcare System of Pakistan. Biomedica, 30(4).
  4. Tahir, , Bashir, A., & Khan, J. S. (2014). FACTORS THAT HINDER FEMALE DENTISTS IN PURSUING THEIR CAREER. Biomedica, 30(3).
  1. BASHIR,  ,      TAHIR,           S.,        &         KHAN,   J.   S.         (2014). OBJECTIVELY STRUCTURED PERFORMANCE EVALUATION-A LEARNING TOOL. Biomedica, 30(2).
  2. KHAN, S. (2014). Assessment in higher education. Biomedica, 30(1).
  3. Khan, S., Biggs, J. S., Bano, T., Mukhtar, O., Tabasum, S., & Mubasshar, M. H. (2013). MEDICAL COLLEGES ADMISSION TEST IN PUNJAB, PAKISTAN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 25(1-2), 64-67.
  1. Khan, J. S., Tabasum, S., & Mukhtar, O. (2013). Comparison of pre-medical academic achievement, entrance test and aptitude test scores in admission selection J Pak Med Assoc, 63, 552-557.
  2. Khan, S., Bano, T., Mukhtar, O, Tabasum, S. (2013). A Case Study of Multidimensionality of Organizational Culture. Esculapio, 09(02), 91-97.
  3. Khan, S., Mukhtar, O., Bano, T., & Tabasum, S. (2013). APTITUDE AND PERSONALITY TESTING: WHAT DOES MEDICAL AND DENTAL COLLEGES ENTRANCE TEST 2012 ADD TO THE DEBATE?. J Univ Med Dent. Coll, 4, 42-8.
  1. Khan, S., Tabasum, S., Mukhtar, O., & Iqbal, M. (2013). The Effect on Student Performance of Scrambling Questions and Their Stems in Medical Colleges Admission Tests. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 23(12), 904-906.
  2. KHAN, S. (2012). CONCEPT MAPPING. The Professional Medical Journal, 19(05), 588-596.
  3. Osama    Towards    a    Competency-Based     Dental   Education                Framework:   Defining Competencies. JPDA
  4. KHAN, J. S., BIGGS, J. S., TABASUM, S., & IQBAL, M. (2012). Assessment in medical education in Pakistan: evaluating evaluation. Biomedica, 28(1), 88-94.
  5. MUKHTAR, S. K. O., & TABBASUM, S. (2012). Perceived variations in dental graduate competency outcomes based on demographic variables. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 32(1). 42. Khan, J. S., Bano, T., Tabasum, S., Iqbal, M., & Mukhtar, O. (2012). ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY; AN IMPORTANT SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTOR AND ITS IMPACT ON STUDENT’S PERFORMANCE. Professional Medical Journal, 19(2).
  1. Khan, J. , & Tabasum, S. (2011). Medical professionalism: a panoramic view through the kaleidoscope of stakeholder perspectives. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 23(3), 138- 144.
  2. Khan, J. S. (2011). SOME ACTION ON REFLECTION. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 23(2), 1-2.
  3. Khan, S., Biggs, J. S., & Mubbashar, M. H. (2011). Evaluation techniques in Punjab, Pakistan: eight years of reforms in health professional education. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 23(1), 154-158.
  1. Khan, S., Tabasum, S., Yousafzai, U. K., & Fatima, M. (2011). DREEM on: validation of the dundee ready education environment measure in Pakistan. JPMA-Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 61(9), 885.
  1. Khan, S., Tabasum, S. A. I. M. A., Yousafzai, U. K., & Mukhtar, O. S. A. M. A. (2011). Measuring the medical education environment in Undergraduate medical colleges across Punjab, Pakistan. Biomedica, 27(1), 14-18.
  2. Khan, J. S. (2009). Assessment Driven Integrated Learning (ADIL): Assessment Directed Medical Education (ADME) Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(4), 201-206.
  3. Khan, S., Tabasum, S., Mukhtar, O., & Iqbal, M. (2010). Developing the Outcomes of a Baccalaureate of Dental Surgery Programme. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 205-209.
  1. Khan, S., Biggs, J. S., & Tabasum, S. (2010). Assessment in medical education in the 21st Century. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 3-4.
  1. Khan, J. S., Tabasum S. (2010). DREEMing the nurses in Punjab, Pakistan. Pak Postgrad Med J, (4), 121-123.
  2. Khan, J. S., Mukhtar, O., Tabasum, , Shaheen, N., Farooq, M., Irfan, M. A., Iqbal, M. (2010). Relationship of awards in multiple choice questions and structured answer questions in the undergraduate years and their effectiveness in evaluation. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(2), 191-195.
  3. Khan, S., Tabasum, S., & Yousafzai, U. K. (2009). Determination of medical education environment in Punjab private and public medical colleges affiliated with University of Health Sciences, Lahore-Pakistan. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 21(4), 160-170.
  1. Khan, S., Tabasum, S., & Shah, S. J. A. (2009). Knowledge rather than language proficiency affects achievement scores in interactive objectively structured performance evaluation. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad, 21(2).
  2. Khan JS, Ashraf A, Ahmad N, Bano S. (2009). Closing the Gap between Private and Government Undergraduate Medical J of Edu Research, Pakistan, 12(2), 64-73.
  3. Khan, J. S. (2008). Evaluation of the educational environment of postgraduate surgical teaching. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad, 20(3), 104-7.
  4. Khan JS. (2008). Care Pathway for Women with Breast Cancer in the UK: A Model for Pak Postgrad Med J, 19(2), 36-41.
  1. Khan, S., Iqbal, N., & Gardezi, J. R. (2006). Pattern of visceral injuries following blunt abdominal trauma in motor vehicular accidents. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons–Pakistan: JCPSP, 16(10), 645-647.
  2. Khan, S., Iqbal, N., & Al-Mufti, R. (2005). EWTD, the full-shift system and the tertiary referral centre. Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 87(6), 214-215.
  3. Khan JS, Nadeem RD, Iqbal N, Saleem (2003). Comparison of outcome following open silver sulfadiazine dressing & closed dressing with honey in 2nd degree thermal burns. Pak Postgrad Med J, 14 (2), 71-74.

Presentations ORAL Presentations & POSTER Presentations

Keynote Speech:
  • A brief history of future: Achieving excellence in Health professions Junaid Sarfraz Khan 6th International Conference on Health Professions Education & Research, The Institute of Health Professions Education & Research, Khyber Medical University (20-21April 2018)
  • Riding the paradigm shift to peripheral healthcare centers: role of health professions Junaid Sarfraz Khan 5th Medical Education Conference, Khawaja Safdar Medical College, Sialkot (2-4 March 2018)
  • Using caricature, videos and images to raise medical professionalism and ethics awareness, Junaid Sarfraz Khan 4th Medical Education Conference, Khawaja Safdar Medical College, Sialkot (8-9 April 2017)
  • Curriculum Innovations: Local& Global Trends, Junaid Sarfraz Khan 5th International Conference on Health Professions Education & Research, The institute of Health Professions Education & Research, Khyber Medical University (7-9 April 2017)
  • Using caricature, videos and images to raise medical professionalism and ethics awareness, Junaid Sarfraz Khan First International Conference on Medical ethics “Ethics in Challenging Times”, UHS, Lahore Pakistan (20-21 March 2017)
  • Medical Professionalism: the singularity measured in its multiplicity, Junaid Sarfraz Khan 3rd International Conference on Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Values with Global Standards, University of Health Sciences, Lahore Pakistan (27-29 October, 2016)
  • State of the arts lecture: An integrated Medical curriculum. Junaid Sarfraz Khan Annual Scientific Conference 2016, MBBS University of Health Sciences, Mirpur –AJK
  • To change or not to change? Junaid Sarfraz Khan 8th International Conference on Medical Education (11th -13th April 2016). Fatima Jinnah Medical University, Lahore Pakistan
  • Role of Continuing Medical Education in Improving Healthcare Delivery: Reorganizing Healthcare Delivery Structure Junaid Sarfraz Khan 10th Annual Convention of AMA Pakistan, Rabwah Pakistan,9-10thApril 2016
  • Standards, Standard Setting & Standardization in the midst of an identity crisis Junaid Sarfraz Khan ASSOCIATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION – CONFERENCE 2016 (March 05-06, 2016). Khyber Medical University Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Assessment Driven Integrated Learning (ADIL); Assessment Directed Medical Education (ADME) Curriculum Junaid Sarfraz Khan Association for Excellence in Medical Education Conference 2015, Curricular Reforms: Role of collaboration. November 14-15, 2015, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Of Foxes and Sour Grapes; Frankensteins and Hydes: Curing Doctor Jekyll of his disease Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘The integrated curriculum for an “un-integrated” Practice’ at University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan 29-31 October 2015.
  • Role of Continuing Medical Education in Improving Healthcare Delivery: Reorganizing Healthcare Delivery Structure Junaid Sarfraz Khan 3rd Annual Symposium from May 06-08, 2015 at Azad Jammu & Kashmir Medical College, Muzaffarabad
  • Healthcare Delivery and Roleof ContinuingMedical Education Junaid Sarfraz Khan 2nd Annual Conference of RLMCon 23rd April, 2015 at Rashid Latif Medical College, Lahore
  • The sparrow, the pelican, the cuckoo and the caiman Junaid Sarfraz Khan Third International Conference on Medical Education from 17th – 19th April, 2015 at Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
  • Isprofessionalism one of the emerging trends among medical teachers today? Muzammil Hussain, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Learning Styles at Different Levelsof Medical Education Kiren Khurshid, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times:  Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Faculty-Related Factors Influencing Students’ Motivation To Learn: Students’ Perspectives In Shaikh Khalif Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Medical& Dental College, Lahore Noora Hassan Hezam AlAqmer, Junaid Sarfraz Khan, Sibgha Zulfiqar International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times:Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Study Habits of Medical Students in Studying Physiology Using ASSIST Faraz Ahmed Bokhari, Muhammad Luqman, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • To Identify The Qualities PBL Participants Expect Their PBL Leaders To Have: A Synopsis Tayyaba Azhar, Junaid Sarfraz Khan,Samina Malik International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • The transformation of the Professional Identity of MHPE Graduates after being in practice Junaid Sarfraz Khan,Alia Amin, Sadia Sharif International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Perceptions of CME Participantsaboutthe Improvement of Patient Care Through CME Activities in Lahore District Shazia Tufail, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Valueswith Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Validation of Urdu Translation of DREE Minventoryin a Medical College in Lahore, Pakistan Meher- un-nisa, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International   Conference   on‘Medical    Professionalism  in Challenging Times:Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Relationship between the DREEM score and academic performance of Final year MBBS students at Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College, Sialkot Tahir Siddique,Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • The frequency of stressors in obstetrics and gynecology postgraduate trainees in King Edward Medical University Shamila Ijaz Munir, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times:Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Dental and Paradental students’ perception of the educational environment in FMH Dental College as measured by Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure(DREEM) Curriculum Vitae  Junaid Sarfraz Khan Zahid Iqbal,Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Reflection on Power Point presentation- as a tool for teaching and Sabeen Farhan, Junaid Sarfraz Khan,Samina Malik, Sabeen Jamshed International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times:  Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • Outcome of Recommended Structured Template for a New Problem Based Learning, Daily Formal Teaching Session for Surgical Residents Suhail Niaz Khan Niazi, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times: Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • “Evaluation Of The Impact Of ‘Learning Skills Course’ In Enhancing The Learning And Performance Of Medical Undergraduates Raza Younus,Junaid Sarfraz Khan, IanWillis, Janet Strivens International Conference on ‘Medical Professionalism in Challenging Times:  Blending Local Values with Global Standards” at University of Health Sciences Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 October 2016.
  • “Medical Professional Identity Transformation: Role of Societal Values, Cultural Norms, Economics, Space and Time”.Junaid Sarfraz Khan 11th International Medical Education Conference (IMEC 2016) ,20-22 April, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • “The Changing Coloursof Medical Professionalismacrossthe Spectrumof Stakeholders Perspectives” Junaid Sarfraz Khan 11th International Medical Education Conference (IMEC 2016) ,20-22 April, 2016,  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Role Of Continuing Medical Education In Improving Healthcare Delivery: Reorganizing Healthcare Delivery Structure Junaid Sarfraz Khan 17th Ottawa Conference and the ANZAHPE 2016 Conference. Perth Exhibition and Conference Centre, Perth, Western Australia. 19-23 March 2016.
  • A Comparative study of the Cultural Drivers Affecting Learning, Practice and Perception of Medical Professionalism in the UK and Pakistan Junaid Sarfraz Khan 2016 Asia-Pacific Conference on Education,Society and Psychology (APCESP) Seoul, Korea, January 05-07
  • Medical Professionalism—Is Arabian LAMPS valid in the contextof medical education in Pakistan Curriculum Vitae Junaid Sarfraz Khan Nadeem Hafeez Butt, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘The integrated curriculum for an “un-integrated” Practice’ at University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan 29-31 October 2015
  • Implementing an integrated medical curriculum: opinions and concerns- what faculty thinks? Noora Jassan Hezam Al-Aqmar, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘The integrated curriculum for an “un-integrated” Practice’ at University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan 29-31 October 2015
  • Learning Styles At Different Levels Of Medical Education Kiren Khurshid Malik, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘The integrated curriculum for an “un-integrated” Practice’ at University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan 29-31 October 2015
  • The Impact of OSPE on undergraduate Medica lstudents’ approach to learning in obstetrics& gynecology : teachers’ and students’ perspective Aliya Bashir, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘The integrated curriculum for an “un-integrated” Practice’ at University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan 29-31 October 2015
  • Empowering Student stowards Self-Directed Learning using Peer Assessment as a learning tool Nelofer Mustafa, Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on ‘The integrated curriculum for an “un-integrated” Practice’ at University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan 29-31 October 2015
  • Project Professionalism Punjab Junaid Sarfraz Khan ICME 2015, Istanbul,Turkey, 15–18OCT2015
  • Translating Education into Care Junaid Sarfraz Khan Family Medicine Symposium, Organized by University of Health Sciences on March 27th 2015
  • Incorporating the Human Cantered System Engineering Approach in Health Professional Education Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Surgical Conference 2015, Organized by Society of Surgeons Pakistan, Lahore Chapter from Feb 27th – March 1st 2015 at Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore
  • Academic Identity Transformation through International Collaboration Junaid Sarfraz Khan 1st Medical Conference –9-10 March 2013, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College, Mirpur, AJK
  • The Effect of Scrambling Questions and Responses on Student Performance Junaid Sarfraz Khan, Saima Tabasum, Osama Mukhtar,Maryam Iqbal ‘Standardizing Physiology Teaching Through Research’, Pakistan Physiological society –13th Biennial Conference 2012, September 07-09, 2012,Saidu Medical College, Swat, Pakistan.
  • Standard Setting In Examinations in Pakistani Universities Junaid Sarfraz Khan, Saima Tabasum ‘Standardizing Physiology Teaching Through Research’, Pakistan Physiological society –13th Biennial Conference 2012, September 07-09, 2012,Saidu Medical College, Swat, Pakistan.
  • Towards a competency-based dental education framework: defining competencies Junaid Sarfraz Khan, Saima Tabasum, Osama Mukhtar Association for Excellence in Medical Education –Conference 2012, March 03-05, 2012, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Ensuring quality through International collaboration? Developing a conceptualand practical model Ian Willis, Junaid Sarfraz Khan Association for Excellence in Medical Education –Conference 2012, March 03-05, 2012, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • How the Literature Guided the Concept of an Assessment Driven Integrated Learning Curriculum (ADIL) Junaid Sarfraz Khan Transforming Health Professions Education through innovation-Innovations in Medical Education, February 25-26, 2012, Hilton Pasanda Hotel, California,United StatesAmerica.
  • Facts regarding Medical Colleges Admission Test (MCAT) in Punjab, Pakistan: The good, the bad and the ugly Junaid Sarfraz Khan Trends in Medical Education – 6th Congress of Asian Medical Education Association (AMEA 2011), 23- 26 March 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • DREEMing for a better Medical Education Environment in Pakistan Junaid Sarfraz Khan,Saima Tabasum, UsmanKhalil 14th Ottawa Conference on Assessment in the Healthcare Professions, May 15-20, 2010 in Miami, Florida, USA.
  • Apples and Oranges- Comparison of Continuous Assessment of Public and Private Sector Medical and Dental Students in Pakistan Khan JS, Kazmi SR, Tabasum S. SIMEC 2010,Jazaan Saudi Arabia, 6-8 April, 2010.
  • Determination of Medical Education Environment in Punjab Private and Public Medical Colleges affiliated with University of Health Junaid Sarfraz Khan, Saima Tabasum, Usman Khalil Yousafzai. Khyber Medical University, Directorate of Research and Development, Annual Health Research Symposium 2009, January16-17, 2010.
  • Innovations in Medical Education Dr. Junaid Sarfraz Khan International Conference on Medical Education – ICME 2009 “Trends in Medical Education”,January25-27, 2009, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Evaluation of Education Environment of Postgraduate Surgical Khan JS, Iqbal N. Third National Conference of the Society of Surgeons, Rawalpindi,Pakistan, January20-21, 2006.
  • Whole Length Saphenous Vein EVLT and the risk of nerve injury Khan JS, Iqbal N, Ham RJ, Sobeh Third National Conference of the Society of Surgeons, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, January 20-21, 2006.
  • Delays in orthopedic trauma treatment: Role of the Trauma nurse Coordinator Khan JS, Khan M, Iqbal RSM Joint Meeting with the South West Surgeons in Bristol, November 4th, 2005.
  1. The Sparrow , the Pelican, the Cuckoo and the Caiman Junaid Sarfraz Khan 3rd Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) National University of Singapore, Singapore, 13th to 17thJanuary 2016
  1. A Comparative Study of the Cultural Drivers affecting learning, practice and perception of medical professionalism in Pakistan Junaid Sarfraz Khan 3rd Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) National University of Singapore, Singapore, 13th to 17thJanuary 2016
  1. Noor Fatima Ahsen,Junaid Sarfraz Kahn Annual Scientific Symposium 2015, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College, Mirpur AJ& K
  1. Local initiatives and international collaboration: enhancing Junaid Sarfraz Khan, Ian Willis, Janet Strivens Going Global 2013, Dubai World Trade Centre, 4-6 March, 2013.
  1. Knowledge rather than Language Proficiency affects Achievement Scores in Interactive Objectively Structured Performance Khan JS, Tabasum S. SIMEC 2010,Jazaan Saudi Arabia, 6-8 April, 2010.
  1. Apples and Oranges- Comparison of Continuous Assessment of Public and Private Sector Medical and Dental Students in Pakistan Khan JS, Kazmi SR, Tabasum S. 7th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference(APMEC), Singapore, 6-7 February, 2010.
  1. Differences in Medical Education Environment of Private and Public Sectors in Pakistan-Mythor Reality Khan JS, Tabasum S, Mubbashar M.H AMEE 2009, Malaga Spain 29 August-2 September, 2009.
  1. Whole Length Saphenous Vein EVLT and the risk of nerve injury Khan JS, Iqbal N, Ham RJ, Sobeh Eurochap meeting of the International Union of Angiology, Glasgow, 25–27Oct. 2005.
  1. Extra-Adrenal Paraganglioma-ASingle Hospital Experience

Abdelrehman AT,Khan JS

BAES Annual Meeting Lund Sept 2004.



An Accordion Title

  • Assessment Techniques
  • Outcome-Based Medical Education
  • Medical Ethics
  • Professionalism& The Social Responsibility Work shops on Curriculum Development:
  • Faculty of Anatomy (MBBS)
  • Faculty of Physiology (MBBS)
  • Faculty of Biochemistry(MBBS)
  • Faculty of Forensic Medicine
  • Faculty of Pharmacology(MBBS)
  • Faculty of Behavioural Sciences(MBBS)
  • Faculty of Pathology(MBBS)
  • Faculty of Community Medicine
  • Faculty of ENT 14) Faculty of EYE
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Paediatrics
  • Faculty of Surgery
  • Faculty of Obstetrics& Gynaecology
  • Faculty of Physiology (BDS)
  • Faculty of Biochemistry(BDS)
  • Faculty of Pharmacology (BDS)
  • Faculty of Behavioural Sciences(BDS)
  • Faculty of Periodontology
  • Faculty of Prosthodontics
  • Faculty of Oral Medicine
  • Faculty of Oral Pathology

Workshopson Curriculum Developmentfor OSCE/OSPE in:

  • BDS (Anatomy)
  • BDS (Community & Preventive Dentistry)
  • BDS (Behavioural Sciences)
  • BDS (General Medicine)
  • BDS (Oral Pathology)
  • BDS (General Surgery)
  • BDS (Oral Medicine)
  • BDS (Periodentology)
  • BDS (Prosthodontics)
  • BDS (Orthodontics)
  • BDS (Operative Dentistry)
  • BDS (Oral Surgery)
  • BDS (Physiology)
  • BDS (Biochemistry)
  • BDS (Oral Biology & Tooth Morphology)
  • BDS (Pharmacology)
  • BDS (Science of Dental Material)
  • BDS (General Pathology& Microbiology) 45) BDS (Oral Pathology and Oral Medicines)

Workshopson “Training of Examiners” forOSPE, OSCE& TOACS:

  • BDS (Oral Pathology)
  • BDS (Orthodontics)
  • BDS (Periodontology)
  • BDS (Gen. Pathology & Microbiology)
  • BDS (Sciences of Dental Material) Work shops on OSPE Feedback:
  • Faculty of ENT
  • Faculty of Ophthalmology
  • Workshop on Curriculum Review(Operative Dentistry)
  • Academic Collaboration with Middle sex University
  • HEC Project: Quality Based Ranking of HEIs
  • Construction of MCQ’s,SEQ’s& OSPE items with high content, validity and reliability

Curriculum Vitae  Junaid Sarfraz Khan

  • “Transparency of OSPE through a Cost and Time Effective Procedure’(Faculty of Pharmacology)

Work shops on “Professionalism” at:

  • Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
  • University Medical& Dental College Faisalabad
  • Multan Medical& Dental College Multan
  • Nishtar Medical College Multan
  • Fauji Foundation Hospital    Lahore    Bedian Road,   Lahore Workshop son            Standard Setting of Examinations at:
  • University of Health Sciences, Lahore
  • Azad Jammu & Kashmir Medical College,Muzaffarabad
  • ICME 2015, Istanbul,Turkey, 15–18OCT2015
  • Association for Excellence in Medical Education Conference 2015 (Pre-Conference Workshop). Curricular Reforms: Role of November 14-15, 2015. Punjab Medical College Faisalabad,Pakistan.
  • Medical Professionalism (pre-Conference Workshop). Association for Excellence in Medical Education Conference Curricular Reforms: Role of collaboration. November 14-15, 2015. Punjab Medical College Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘Introduction to Qualitative Research’ of ASSOCIATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION – CONFERENCE 2016 (Friday March 04, 2016). Khyber Medical University Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘Introduction to Qualitative Research’ of ASSOCIATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION – CONFERENCE 2016 (Friday March 04, 2016). Khyber Medical University Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘An Introductory workshop on Standard Setting & Item Analysis”’ of 8th International Conference on Medical Education (11th -13th April 2016). Fatima Jinnah Medical University, Lahore Pakistan Workshop on ‘Qualitative Research’at:
  • University of Health Sciences Lahore
  • Sharif Medical& Dental College Lahore
  • Khyber Medical University, Khyber Pakhtun Khwa

Curriculum Vitae Junaid Sarfraz Khan

Workshop on ‘Construction of MCQs SAQs, OSCE and OSPE’ at:

  • Khawaja Safdar Medical College, Sialkot
  • Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘Writing of Learning Objectives’. Annual Scientific Conference 2016, MBBS University of Health Sciences, Mirpur –AJK
  • Pre-Conference Workshop on ‘Integrated Medical Curriculum’. Annual Scientific Conference 2016, MBBS University of Health Sciences, Mirpur –AJK
  • Facilitated the sessions of “Short Term Training of College Principals /DDOs” on the topic “Governance and it principals & Achieving good governance in the public sector” on 12 July 2016 at University of Health Sciences
  • The Royal Society of Medicine
  • AMEE
  • BASO
  • PAFP